Sister Cecilia Adache
OSF RN, RM, RPHN, BNSC, MPH, CFCP, CFCESister Cecilia Adache is a registered nurse midwife with a Master’s Degree in Public Health who has completed the Creighton Model FertilityCare / Naprotechnology Practitioner Program.
She then founded and is currently the director of the Franciscan FertilityCare Center, at Our Lady & St. Francis Hospital, Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria.
Sister also Chairs the FertilityCare & NaProTECHNOLOGY Committee of the Catholic Nurses Guild of Nigeria.
She is an active member of the FertilityCare Centers of Africa.
Sr Cecilia is making her mark in Nigeria. When not delivering babies, she’s teaching patients to become their own fertility, health, and wellness experts. She’s improving the fertility health of women and men in her care, with child spacing and healthy child conception being primary components of her dedicated work.
In April, the WHO reported that 1 out of every 6 people globally is now affected by infertility, saying, “The sheer proportion of people affected shows the need to widen access to fertility care and ensure this issue is no longer sidelined in health research and policy….”
Sr Cecilia shares that she is personally witnessing a rise in women’s infertility among Nigerians. Methods of fertility health are needed that can be easily taught from mother to daughter, father to son, crossing generations and cultural barriers. Recently, Sr assisted 12 women to motherhood: four of the twelve had a history of multiple miscarriages the other 8 mothers were historically unable to conceive. Each of these 12 new mothers carried their healthy baby full term.
Nurses With Global Impact is pleased to honor Sister Cecilia Adache as a 2023 Nurses With Global Impact Honoree.
– Deb
Sister Cecilia Adache is a registered nurse midwife with a Master’s Degree in Public Health who has completed the Creighton Model FertilityCare / Naprotechnology Practitioner Program.
She then founded and is currently the director of the Franciscan FertilityCare Center, at Our Lady & St. Francis Hospital, Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria.
Sister also Chairs the FertilityCare & NaProTECHNOLOGY Committee of the Catholic Nurses Guild of Nigeria.
She is an active member of the FertilityCare Centers of Africa.
Sr Cecilia is making her mark in Nigeria. When not delivering babies, she’s teaching patients to become their own fertility, health, and wellness experts. She’s improving the fertility health of women and men in her care, with child spacing and healthy child conception being primary components of her dedicated work.
In April, the WHO reported that 1 out of every 6 people globally is now affected by infertility, saying, “The sheer proportion of people affected shows the need to widen access to fertility care and ensure this issue is no longer sidelined in health research and policy….”
Sr Cecilia shares that she is personally witnessing a rise in women’s infertility among Nigerians. Methods of fertility health are needed that can be easily taught from mother to daughter, father to son, crossing generations and cultural barriers. Recently, Sr assisted 12 women to motherhood: four of the twelve had a history of multiple miscarriages the other 8 mothers were historically unable to conceive. Each of these 12 new mothers carried their healthy baby full term.
Nurses With Global Impact is pleased to honor Sister Cecilia Adache as a 2023 Nurses With Global Impact Honoree.
– Deb