Nominating Organization: NWGI

With Quiet Confidence, Barbara Moloney Saves Lives In Haiti & Beyond

Barbara Moloney’s semi-annual missions to Haiti began in 2008, two years before the tragic earthquake leaving tens of thousands of people injured and families displaced. She has long been an advocate for critically ill patients and their families and today is an Associate Director and Course Coordinator for the Lawrence Memorial/Regis College Nursing Program, and actively involved in several programs including biannual visits by a team of nurse educators, a BLS program for health care providers, a BLS instructor course, ACLS courses, and a critical care course.

Barbara has trained over 12 nurses to be BLS instructors as part of a program to develop nurse educators in Haiti. As one of the responders to the 2010 earthquake, she was acutely aware of educational needs for nurses on the ground and developed a course to address this. In January 2012, she presented and evaluated a seminar on Cardiovascular Nursing for nurses in Milot as part of her doctoral research. In March 2017, she returned to Haiti to teach a course on Cardiovascular Nursing at St. Theresa’s hospital in Hinche.

The knowledge Barbara brought to Haiti saved many lives in the wake of the 2010 disaster. The level of nursing care at Hopital Sacre Coeur has changed in the small, third-world country, and that can be directly connected to the work of her and her colleagues.

Barbara returned following the earthquake and was assigned to work in the ICU. She saw hundreds of patients and in the race to save lives and limbs, she brought knowledge, strength and courage to her nurses from Haiti. She quietly goes about her missions, occasionally requesting help from another colleague.

She has been a nurse educator for over 17 years, starting as an instructor for the Shawsheen Valley School of Practical Nursing. Barbara joined the faculty at Lawrence Memorial/Regis College in 2001. Her clinical background is in critical care and cardiovascular nursing with experience supervising senior nursing students as well as newly licensed nurses.

Barbara started her career in Colorado where she received her BSN from the University of Colorado. She lived in Ireland for eight years where she worked in critical care and family planning. She received her Masters of Nursing Science (MSN) from Salem State University and her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) from Regis College.

Join me in congratulating Barbara as one of the first thirteen nurses to be honored by Nurses With Global Impact, and in thanking her for her vision and service.

– Deb